Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Participants Map Elburn's Future

The Chicago Metropolitan Agency for Planning held a second successful workshop yesterday at Fisherman's Inn. This week the emphasis was on mapping, and our local participants were challenged to design their own Elburn of the future. At the end of the 3-hour exercise, scores were calculated that represented the relative value of each team's planning efforts.
Each planning team made their Elburn "bigger," but some future Elburns scored "better" than others. That seems to be the challenge. We know Elburn is going to grow in the future, but can we make it a "better" town when we get there. The destination of future growth should be worth the effort.
In the photo above, Darlene Marcusson, Tom Runty, Jeff Pelock and Gary Augustine draw out their ideas on paper maps, before converting them to the computer design program.
Once again, the CMAP facilitators were well-prepared and did an excellent job. And, I believe our "citizen planners" truly enjoyed mapping out our future success.