Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Nice Event at Emma's Pub

Yesterday, I had the honor of cutting the official ribbon at Emma's Pub and Cantina. I was joined by the owners, Mike and Kathleen Alvarez. Our very own Building Commissioner Jim Stran, Village Administrator Dave Morrison and Fire Captain Al Isberg were able to join in with the fun.
After all the pictures were taken, we enjoyed a tasty Mexican buffet that was free for all the grand opening patrons.
Now, here's a scoop on the Elburn Herald. I kept my inquiring blog reporter eye on "their" staff members for a change. And, they were getting a little on the rowdy side at the back corner table. Now, I suppose putting that in my blog will get me in trouble with the local press, so I better offer a retraction right away.
In truth, my sources tell me only one of the Herald staffers was being a little silly, and frankly, that particular person has been seen acting goofy at the Chamber dinners I've attended as well. That usually happens when I sit anywhere near her. She knows who she is.
Hey, a great time was had by all, the ribbon was cut, the pictures turned out, the food was tasty, the hospitality was excellent and the conversation was delightful.
Stop in sometime and visit Mike and Kathleen Alvarez at Emma's Pub and Cantina in downtown Elburn. It's well worth the trip. Posted by Picasa