Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Elburn Remembers Akron

Last night our Elburn Village Board paid its respect to Akron, our one and only police dog, who recently died. Akron retired in 2005 after 6 years of faithful service to our community.
Akron's partner/trainer Brian Schopp was presented with a commemorative plaque, and a duplicate plaque will be displayed at our police department.
Mike Anderson, Dave Gualdoni and some of their friends, who remember Akron fondly, also attended our presentation.
My favorite story about Akron was the time when his barking into a police radio actually convinced a hiding suspect to come out of a corn field.
I also witnessed several demonstrations where Akron could detect and identify specific odors coming from what appeared to be sealed containers.
These dogs are truly amazing animals. Akron will be missed in Elburn. Posted by Picasa

Sunday, November 19, 2006

Magna Rotors Are Rooting

Over the past year, 4 new magna-rotors have been installed at the Village of Elburn waste water treatment plant. It isn't glamorous work, but the replacement of these vital components were necessary to keep our plant operating at peak efficiencies.
The village board has been very serious about our commitment to keeping our treatment plant in good shape.
Our Public Works Superintendent Art Sanchez has been in charge of the repairs at the plant, and our new operators from Baxter-Woodman have really been helping us understand how to best tweak and configure our plant for the future.
Processing waste water is a village function we all take for granted, that is, until there is a problem. More repairs and refurbishments are coming. Fortunately, our village board has supported our staff efforts to take good care of our plant. Posted by Picasa

Sunday, November 12, 2006

Chicago at Night

Here is a view looking south from the Signature Room of the John Hancock Building in downtown Chicago. The shot was taken through thick glass, and I had to hand-hold the camera, which wouldn't be my normal preference for a night shot.
Our ADA Council meeting concluded this weekend, and now our staff goes back to work completing the meeting paperwork. Fortunately, we are almost completely digital at the ADA, more so than the Village of Elburn, but even that is changing rapidly in the municipal environment.
The decorative lights that illuminate the "Magnificent Mile" flip on next Saturday. The holiday time of year is really creeping up on us. Posted by Picasa

Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Nice Event at Emma's Pub

Yesterday, I had the honor of cutting the official ribbon at Emma's Pub and Cantina. I was joined by the owners, Mike and Kathleen Alvarez. Our very own Building Commissioner Jim Stran, Village Administrator Dave Morrison and Fire Captain Al Isberg were able to join in with the fun.
After all the pictures were taken, we enjoyed a tasty Mexican buffet that was free for all the grand opening patrons.
Now, here's a scoop on the Elburn Herald. I kept my inquiring blog reporter eye on "their" staff members for a change. And, they were getting a little on the rowdy side at the back corner table. Now, I suppose putting that in my blog will get me in trouble with the local press, so I better offer a retraction right away.
In truth, my sources tell me only one of the Herald staffers was being a little silly, and frankly, that particular person has been seen acting goofy at the Chamber dinners I've attended as well. That usually happens when I sit anywhere near her. She knows who she is.
Hey, a great time was had by all, the ribbon was cut, the pictures turned out, the food was tasty, the hospitality was excellent and the conversation was delightful.
Stop in sometime and visit Mike and Kathleen Alvarez at Emma's Pub and Cantina in downtown Elburn. It's well worth the trip. Posted by Picasa