Saturday, June 25, 2005

More Good Fishing in Elburn!

Here is a picture sent to me of young Katelyn Blaszinski showing off her recent catch. She snagged this big mouth bass from a Prairie Highland pond located right here in Elburn. That's a nice fish, Katelyn! You must have done an exceptional job reeling in that pesky rascal. I promise I won't tell anyone where your secret fishing spot is. Although I imagine someone might be able to get a big hint from the background of your picture. So, there really is good fishing in Elburn, eh?! Posted by Hello

Friday, June 24, 2005

The University of Elburn

The Village of Elburn has recently completed over 18,000 square feet of sidewalk repairs at a cost of almost $100,000. Last summer, we finished a comprehensive sidewalk study that recommended $400,000 of needed repairs, so we are looking at this year's project as part one of phased multi-year opportunity.
We tried to focus our repairs this year by concentrating on five different priorities. First, we looked at where the sidewalks in town were in the very worst shape. Second, we tried to make repairs that were located near existing Kaneland school bus stops. Third, we tried to repair sidewalks that made specific connections to the downtown and our future Metra station. Fourth, we tried to address sidewalk issues for individuals within our community affected by handicaps. And, finally, we looked for projects where we could could lengthen significant sections of sidewalks by filling in a "missing link."
Chris Reed, from our own public works department, did a great job pulling this all together, and coordinating the work to match our goals with the contractor's schedule.
It is now possible to walk from McDonald's on the north to Blackberry Cemetery on the south on 1.3 miles of contiguous sidewalk located on the east side of Route 47. I like to call this section the "backbone" of our sidewalk grid.
Creating a "University of Elburn" is one of our original planning cliches. You see, at a university, there is a sidewalk that already goes wherever you want to go. This is one of the "cornerstones" for our long term vision for Elburn. We would like to make this a community connected together not only by streets and automobiles, but also by sidewalks, jogging trails and bike paths. This summer's work was a great start. So, when it cools off again, let's get out there and enjoy some leisurely walking and strolling around this wonderful community.

Wednesday, June 15, 2005

Mr. Metcalf Goes to Washington

When Elburn Trustee Jeff Metcalf says he's going to Washington to see President and Laura Bush, he really means it. This picture was taken from Jeff and wife Vicki's table at the 2005 President's Dinner last night in DC.
Jeff said his table number was 360. That must be the Metcalf's lucky number because they sure couldn't have been much closer to the action than this. "Yes sir, Senator!" When Mr. Metcalf goes to Washington, he goes "first class" to support the President, the Republican party, and the national issues that Jeff is so passionate about.
Say Jeff, did President Bush happen to whisper to you from the podium what he thinks about the TEA-LU bill? Elburn needs that bill out of conference committee, passed and signed to fund our Anderson Road overpass pronto. I hope you whispered back that vetoing that bill would be "bad news" for bunch of us very nice people back home in Elburn. If I know Jeff, he did more than just whisper.
Congratulations to Jeff and Vicki as they return from an wonderful evening of patriotism and politics, "White House" style. No matter your political leanings to the right or the left, we are so fortunate to have a "quality" person like Jeff Metcalf on our Village Board. Posted by Hello

Sunday, June 12, 2005

Frances James Honored for Service

At last week's meeting, we also honored a very special lady for her many years of service to the Village of Elburn. Frances James has been an elected official, a community activist and a "political watchdog" in Elburn for over 30 years. Here is what I always admired about my relationship with Frances James.
First, Frances could disagree with you without, being disagreeable. And second, you could always count on Frances to tell you what she thought about a particular topic to your face, rather than behind your back. Now at first blush, you may not think that these personality traits sound like that big a deal. But, in my years in local politics, I see these qualities of mutual trust and forthright communication as rare indeed.
Frances also told me how she loved to set the coffee shop straight. She would sit and listen to the spinning gossip until she just couldn't stand it anymore. Then she would say something like. "Were you at that meeting?" "I was there!" "That isn't what really happened." "You'd know the truth, if you ever came to a meeting!" You have to get a "kick" out of spunky lady like that.
Thank you Frances for all you've done for Elburn. I'll see you on the first Metra train out of the Elburn station, if not before. Somehow, I think there will be plenty of politics for you to get involved with in Batavia. I'm sure Mayor Scheilke will appreciate your dedication and honesty as much as I have. All of us in village government wish Frances the very best. Posted by Hello

Tuesday, June 07, 2005

Chief Linane Gets Pooch Smooch

Last night, both Officer Brian Schopp and his dog Akron retired from the Elburn Police Department. Akron served the Elburn Police Department for 6 years, and Officer Schopp served as a part-time police officer for over 11 years.

My favorite story about Akron goes like this. Several years ago, after a bar fight in Virgil, the perpetrators had run off to hide in an adjoining corn field. When the county officers dispatched to the scene, they radioed Elburn to see if Akron was available. The offenders hiding in the corn rows could hear Akron's barking coming across on the police radio. That was enough for them right there, and they sulked out of the field to be placed into custody. They were willing to keep hiding from "human" police officers, but they knew instinctively that their "goose was cooked" when the "canine" officer arrived.

So, Akron helped make an arrest in Virgil just by barking into a radio. Now that's efficient police work.

We all wish Brian and Akron the very best with their future plans. Brian is still going to be around Elburn working part-time with our local Fire District. Maybe they'll let Akron ride on the fire trucks over there. He's not your typical spotted dalmatian, but he does have a distinguished resume of faithful community service under his collar already.

To Akron, I ask "Who's a good boy?"

To Brian, I say "Thanks for everything."

Friday, June 03, 2005

National League of Cities Honors Blog

The National League of Cities (NLC) has recently honored this Elburn web log. NLC writer Leanna Franklin found my blog on the internet, and included it in a story she wrote about "City Officials Using Web Logs to Keep in Touch." Subsequently, Dylan Nicole de Kervor from NLC's Department of Research and Municipal Programs wrote me an e-mail. She wanted to congratulate me on the inclusion of my Elburn mayor's web log in their searchable database of Examples of Programs for Cities.
Dylan wrote that the mayor's blog now "joins more than six thousand proven city solutions that NLC provides to it 18,000 member cities on a wide range of issues." The database entry itself goes on to state that the mayor of Elburn uses the blog "as a forum to explain to citizens how village decisions are made." It also states that the blog is used "to encourage citizens to get involved with their community."
It has been extremely gratifying to see how many people have searched for and found this blog. It has been featured in internet and newspaper stories from Portland, OR to Northfield, MN to Miami, FL. (See story on page 1B in the April 25th, 2005 edition of the Miami Herald by Nikki Waller. You must register with the Miami Herald and search their archives to view.)
If Elburn residents and citizens of the internet keep reading, I'll keep blogging. It's all about making the Village of Elburn into a "Better, and not just Bigger" community. It's also about having some "fun" along the way. Thank you everyone for your support and encouragement. And, thanks for reading.
Oh, yes, that's me "nikoning" at Denali last fall in the photo. My wife kept telling me to "Step back,... Step back." That's as far as I would go! LOL Posted by Hello

Thursday, June 02, 2005

Elburn Police Enter International Contest

Elburn Police Chief Jim Linane has entered our new 2005 Ford Expedition in an international contest. He entered our new SUV in the "Best Police Vehicle Design Contest" held each year as a feature in Law and Order magazine. Our Expedition is submitted in the "Special Use Vehicle" category for municipal agencies that employ fewer than 50 officers.
Chief Linane writes that the graphics on the car were designed to give our SUV a "clean modern flowing appearance." Additionally, the bold design clearly says "Elburn Police," and uses gold reflective stripes to enhance officer safety at night.
Our decal installer, Jake the Striper, even incorporated a steam engine silhouette on each side of the car. He did this to emphasize our local commitment to railroad crossing safety, and the "Operation Lifesaver" program that promotes railroad safety nationally.
I just posted this photo on "Flickr, and it has already been viewed multiple times. I was also invited to join a "police photo" group, and asked to upload a copy of this photograph to their group photo album. So, somebody already thinks Elburn's Police SUV is a sharp looking vehicle. I hope you, too. Posted by Hello