Friday, June 24, 2005

The University of Elburn

The Village of Elburn has recently completed over 18,000 square feet of sidewalk repairs at a cost of almost $100,000. Last summer, we finished a comprehensive sidewalk study that recommended $400,000 of needed repairs, so we are looking at this year's project as part one of phased multi-year opportunity.
We tried to focus our repairs this year by concentrating on five different priorities. First, we looked at where the sidewalks in town were in the very worst shape. Second, we tried to make repairs that were located near existing Kaneland school bus stops. Third, we tried to repair sidewalks that made specific connections to the downtown and our future Metra station. Fourth, we tried to address sidewalk issues for individuals within our community affected by handicaps. And, finally, we looked for projects where we could could lengthen significant sections of sidewalks by filling in a "missing link."
Chris Reed, from our own public works department, did a great job pulling this all together, and coordinating the work to match our goals with the contractor's schedule.
It is now possible to walk from McDonald's on the north to Blackberry Cemetery on the south on 1.3 miles of contiguous sidewalk located on the east side of Route 47. I like to call this section the "backbone" of our sidewalk grid.
Creating a "University of Elburn" is one of our original planning cliches. You see, at a university, there is a sidewalk that already goes wherever you want to go. This is one of the "cornerstones" for our long term vision for Elburn. We would like to make this a community connected together not only by streets and automobiles, but also by sidewalks, jogging trails and bike paths. This summer's work was a great start. So, when it cools off again, let's get out there and enjoy some leisurely walking and strolling around this wonderful community.