Sunday, June 12, 2005

Frances James Honored for Service

At last week's meeting, we also honored a very special lady for her many years of service to the Village of Elburn. Frances James has been an elected official, a community activist and a "political watchdog" in Elburn for over 30 years. Here is what I always admired about my relationship with Frances James.
First, Frances could disagree with you without, being disagreeable. And second, you could always count on Frances to tell you what she thought about a particular topic to your face, rather than behind your back. Now at first blush, you may not think that these personality traits sound like that big a deal. But, in my years in local politics, I see these qualities of mutual trust and forthright communication as rare indeed.
Frances also told me how she loved to set the coffee shop straight. She would sit and listen to the spinning gossip until she just couldn't stand it anymore. Then she would say something like. "Were you at that meeting?" "I was there!" "That isn't what really happened." "You'd know the truth, if you ever came to a meeting!" You have to get a "kick" out of spunky lady like that.
Thank you Frances for all you've done for Elburn. I'll see you on the first Metra train out of the Elburn station, if not before. Somehow, I think there will be plenty of politics for you to get involved with in Batavia. I'm sure Mayor Scheilke will appreciate your dedication and honesty as much as I have. All of us in village government wish Frances the very best. Posted by Hello