Friday, June 01, 2007

Memorial Day in Elburn

It is always an honor to play Taps for our veterans on Memorial Day. I learned to play Taps as a youngster, and continue to do so to this day.
Mary Herra of the Elburn Herald took this picture at the Memorial Day ceremony held at Blackberry Cemetery this year.
The challenge of playing Taps is to pick up the "cold" horn, and play each of the 21 notes of the bugle call perfectly.
It is more difficult to do than one might imagine. I remember as a child that even the bugler at President Kennedy's funeral missed a note.
I would also like to recognize Bruce Conley for his efforts. Bruce just shows up each year to play the "echo" refrain on his trumpet.
Bruce and I have been doing this for so long now, that there is little reason to practice. We both share a sixth sense about the song that is touching.
Thank you to everyone who came to the service this year. It was a wonderful event to honor those who have served. We were also reminded that the freedom we enjoy today was secured by our veterans, many of whom paid the ultimate price.