Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Elburn Remembers Akron

Last night our Elburn Village Board paid its respect to Akron, our one and only police dog, who recently died. Akron retired in 2005 after 6 years of faithful service to our community.
Akron's partner/trainer Brian Schopp was presented with a commemorative plaque, and a duplicate plaque will be displayed at our police department.
Mike Anderson, Dave Gualdoni and some of their friends, who remember Akron fondly, also attended our presentation.
My favorite story about Akron was the time when his barking into a police radio actually convinced a hiding suspect to come out of a corn field.
I also witnessed several demonstrations where Akron could detect and identify specific odors coming from what appeared to be sealed containers.
These dogs are truly amazing animals. Akron will be missed in Elburn. Posted by Picasa