Wednesday, November 23, 2005

Let Us Be Thankful!

In Franklin Delano Roosevelt's 1941 State of the Union Address, he outlined the reasons for our support of the Allied nations in World War II. In his speech, Roosevelt introduced the concept of four basic freedoms to which all people are entitled: freedom of speech, freedom of worship, freedom from want and freedom from fear.
Framed prints of Norman Rockwell's "Four Freedoms" hang in our village hall directly behind our village board. For me, they represent a constant reminder of why volunteering to serve our community is important. And, I am thankful for everyone connected with our village who sit through long hours of meetings to make the important decisions that affect our future together.
When Norman Rockwell finished "Freedom from Want," he was concerned that his painting depicted an overabundance in America that he did not intend. Overabundance is certainly a pervasive issue that is still a factor in modern suburbia today.
As mayor, I listen to many complaints about our village. Yet, in my heart, what I feel is incredibly energized and positive about our town.
I believe that Elburn is a wonderful dynamic community that always puts its people first. Yes, we have train horns, gun noise and traffic congestion. But, we also have friendly neighborhoods, good schools, spirited volunteers, honest merchants, faithful churches, and a low crime rate.
Our complaints are truly miniscule compared to the thanks we should be expressing to one another. On Thanksgiving, let us recognize and feel all that is good and right about Elburn. Let us be thankful! Posted by Picasa