Friday, November 11, 2005

Keeping Faith with the Fallen

Today is Veterans Day. Today we remember in silence the brutal noise of battle. Today we salute lost generations and stolen futures. As we gather together in ceremony, we think of endless rows of military graves in distant lands. We think of grieving parents and orphaned children. We contemplate the horror of war, and what it really means.
War is the same all over the world. War is about bloodshed and broken bodies. War is about hunger and disease. War brings mankind down to the depths. And yet, war lifts us to new heights. War is the ultimate endeavor. Everything else we are challenged with as human beings pales in comparison to war.
Today we remember our dedicated veterans and soldiers who have accepted the demands of war unflinchingly. We remember those who served, and those serving now, in spite of the risks. We especially remember those who have died in battle, that we might live in freedom.
Let us always celebrate that freedom. We, who can choose our government, and walk freely in our streets, must appreciate our liberty. Our greatest tribute to those who serve is to keep faith with the fallen, and to fiercely protect our freedoms.
Every soldier who serves is a real human being with secrets, talents and passions. Every soldier who serves has a family that loves them. Every soldier who serves has human failings and human weaknesses. Yet, each soldier who serves sacrifices their individual freedom to protect the freedom of those of us back home. Soldiers are the ones who preserve our liberty.
This is a debt we cannot and should not forget. We cannot repay our veterans for what they have done. All we can do is see to it that our land is preserved for every man, woman, and child who succeeds them.
We can do that by living civic lives worthy of the personal sacrifice of our soldiers. We can and should give back to our communities, in appreciation for all that has been given to us.
Today our veterans stand with heads held high. Our veterans are here to salute their fallen comrades. Yet we, who have not served as soldiers, salute our veterans. We salute their bravery, their honor, their determination and their sacrifice. God bless our soldiers. And, God bless our veterans. Posted by Picasa