Friday, August 05, 2005

Sidewalk to the Sky

Sometimes a photograph can surprise you. This is a picture taken up one side of the U. S. Navy Memorial at the Vicksburg National Battlefield. The Navy obelisk is 202 feet tall and dedicated to the Union campaign to reopen the Mississippi River in 1863.
But, I think this shot has an unintended surreal quality to it. I think it looks like a sidewalk to the sky.
Next Monday night, the Elburn village board will be deciding whether or not to go to bid with another $100,000 of sidewalk replacement and repair. If we can make that decision quick enough, it might be possible to get the additional work done this fall, instead of waiting until next spring.
Maybe the trustees will take this picture as a sign to move ahead quickly with the bids. Then again, maybe they will just think it just looks like a tall stack of bricks. We'll find out soon enough.
Either way, I am confident they will choose the right path for our community. Posted by Picasa