Thursday, July 28, 2005

Don't Train on Our Parade

It won't be long now. The Elburn Days Parade lineup is fully stocked and ready to roll down Main Street on Friday, August 19th at 6:00 pm. The theme of the 2005 parade is "Elburn-A Community That Cares."
Unfortunately, the Union Pacific Railroad has advised our village in writing that they will NOT hold their freight trains up for our parade. Therefore, we fully expect this year's event to be interrupted by several containerized freight parades running perpendicular to our planned route.
Although it's difficult to understand the railroad's "profits over safety" reasoning, there is simply no arguing with the Union Pacific. Regardless, Elburn is still going to have a great parade.
Speaking from many years of experience, here are a few handy "tips" for enjoying the Elburn Days Parade:
It must be pouring down rain at 6:00 pm to cancel the parade.
There is no rain date because we just have one IDOT approved "window" to close a state highway.
Remember, don't throw candy, pass it out. Every year someone gets beaned with a "Jolly Rancher." Trust me, those little "suckers" hurt!
Horses without diapers or pooper scoopers should be left in the pasture.
There are no semi-tractor trailers allowed in the parade. We just don't have the room to line these behemoths up on side streets. And, who wants to see another semi on Route 47 anyway?
If you are in a band, don't just play, play loud!
If you are building a float, using the theme counts the most for prize money. Our panel of secret judges have been doing this for years. They know good floats when they see them.
Follow the unit in front of you, because there is no passing lane in a parade.
Oh, and smile and enjoy the moment! That's why we do this every year.
And, if the crossing gates start flashing red and descend in front of you, you better stop, look, and listen. There will be a short delay as our friends from the UP "horn" in on our fun.