Tuesday, July 12, 2005

Zinnia of Light!

I had such a good time taking digital pictures at the Elburn fireworks that I just have to show you one more of the nicer shots. I felt like I took a short college course on the internet researching techniques, and getting my photo gear ready for the big night.
I set my D100 camera up on a stable tripod. I then shot 3 and 4 seconds exposures at f9 and f11 using a 2-second time delay. That way I wasn't touching the camera when the shutter released. I also changed my camera's custom settings to take an anti-noise reduction comparison shot after each exposure. My camera had another setting I changed to reduce internal mirror shake. The internet also recommended not using "any" lens filters for fireworks shots, including the UV filter.
Click on the Flickr badge at the right if you would like to look at few other pics from a really great night of "community spirit" in Elburn.
My wife Cathy says "this one looks like a zinnia." Posted by Picasa