Friday, August 19, 2005

Drew Davis Band Rocks Our Parade

Did you hear the Drew Davis Band at this year's Elburn Days Parade? People said these guys were good. But, wow! They are incredible! What a special treat to have Jason Hawks and his country rocking buddies here at Elburn Days. It won't be long, and these young men will be way, way, way too "big" for little old Elburn Days. And, you can even see their stage act tomorrow night at 5:00 pm at Elburn Lions Park. It's free, I tells ya! Y'all come down, ya hear!
There are two words to describe this year's Elburn Days parade, hot and humid! In spite of the sweaty weather, a great time was had by all.
Our friends at the Union Pacific sent only two perpendicular freight parades through our event this year. I have to admit, all things considered, that was a tolerable amount of interruption. To the extent that the UP did reduce their Friday night traffic, we recognize and appreciate their consideration.
The float winners for this year are: First Place, Old Second Kane County Bank, $300; Second Place, Elburn Lion's Leo Club, $200; and Third Place, Hair Directors, $100.
Did you notice our own Planning Commissioner Sue Filek giving a real haircut on the Hair Directors float? Not too close around those ears, Sue! Ouch!
Thanks to everyone who helped, participated, and enjoyed the Elburn Days Parade. I've been working on this event since 1979. Each year my wife says that's enough, and each year with a lot of generous help we figure a way to do one more.
As a member of the Fifth Army Band, and as band director at Batavia High School, my Dad marched in countless "spit and polish" parades. The honor of his memory keeps me working on this parade. I'm sure he's smiling tonight. Posted by Picasa