Wednesday, February 09, 2005

They Still Have "Sound Off"

To tell you the truth I have always disliked the "Sound Off" section of the Kane County Chronicle. Face it, people print things anonymously in "Sound Off" that they would never put in a signed letter to the editor.
Last December 25th, someone said in "Sound Off" that I should be thrown in a pool. They were apparently expressing their unhappiness with the fact that the trustees of the Village of Elburn had voted unanimously to proceed with a feasibility study for a community pool. Although I missed reading the comment myself, I found out later that my mother was quite upset that day. She thought it was a unnecessary remark for an individual to make, and for the Chronicle to publish, especially on Christmas Day. Sometimes the people we hurt with our political attacks, are not the actual people we intend to hurt.
I was originally hoping that this mayor's web log could be used more like an internet bulletin board. I thought people would respond to my blogs, ask me questions, and then I would get back to them with answers about our village. In the best case scenario, I envisioned this blog becoming sort of "Insider's Guide to Elburn." I tried to write essays that would be read by interested community leaders who desired to learn more about building a "better" community, managing growth and controlling sprawl. As yet, the blog has not accomplished what I had hoped for it.
Many people warned me that allowing the anonymous posting of comments would never work out. They said if people were offered covert access to the blog, the disparaging type of remarks would get worse and worse. I had honestly hoped that wouldn't be the case, but now it seems that the conventional wisdom was right.
This past week a comment was posted to the blog that I thought was particularly offensive and demeaning. It is ironic that the remark wasn't even directed at me, who is the most obvious and convenient target on the site. Regardless, after much thought and careful consideration, I've decided to turn off the anonymous feature of the web log.
There are several reasons for doing this. First, I am unable to monitor the blog 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. I do not have time to read, edit and sort the nasty comments from the legitimate ones. Second, I know first hand how it feels to be on the receiving end of public nastiness, and I do not want this blog used as an internet conduit for "cheap shots." Finally, the web log itself actually works more like I originally intended with the anonymous comments section turned off.
I think the third reason mentioned is perhaps the best. People who are interested can still read the blogs, and if they like, they can e-mail me with their comments, questions and suggestions. If something noteworthy comes up in that identified exchange, I can write another blog about what we have have found out, and share that information with everyone else.
In Abraham Lincoln's "First Inaugural Address" he stated, "We are not enemies, but friends. We must not be enemies. Though passion may have strained, it must not break our bands of affection." We must be touched by the "better angels of our nature." I admit I am passionate about managing growth and controlling sprawl, but not to the point that I want this blog to alienate everyone who doesn't agree with me.
So, for the time being, the mayor's blog is configured for input in a slightly revised fashion. Unfortunately, a few insensitive individuals have ruined the anonymous feature for everyone. But, don't feel sorry for them, they still have "Sound Off."