Thursday, January 06, 2005

"Elburn Will Thrive in 2005"

I was talking with Trustee Craig Swan the other day and he made the following observation. Back when we were young, Ernie Banks, Mr. Cub, always picked a catchy slogan that rhymed with the year to express his optimism with the beginning of each Cub season. Of course, things never worked out for the Cubbies. They were usually out of contention by the end of June, but that's another story. It is, however, with the same spirit of optimism, and confident in his assessment that Elburn's "glass is way, way, way more than half full," that Craig declared to me "Elburn Will Thrive in 2005."
The phrase may sound a little corny, but Trustee Swan has the right attitude. Good things are happening in Elburn, and 2005 is going to be a "banner" year. In the next 12 months, we should hear about several major issues affecting Elburn. In fact, we are on schedule to see both the trace levels radium removed from our water supply, and the beginning of Metra passenger service to Chicago. It is also quite likely that the Federal government will let us know about the TEA-LU transportation funding for the Anderson Road Overpass, and the Federal railroad people will establish their final rules to allow Elburn to create its own train horn quiet zone.
If those four issues alone were resolved in 2005, and that was all that happened, it would be a tremendous year for Elburn. Of course, that is just the "tip of the iceberg" of what we see headed for Elburn in the coming year. With that being said, here is the list of "Prioritized Goals" for the Village of Elburn in 2005:
  1. Award Bid, and Construct Facilities to Remove Trace Level of Radium from Water Supply.
  2. Work with Metra to Finalize Passenger Train Service to Chicago This Year.
  3. Continue to Lobby Federal TEA-LU Bill for Anderson Road Overpass Funding.
  4. Work with FRA and Metra to Establish Elburn Train Horn Quiet Zone.
  5. Complete Study to Evaluate Metra "End of Line" Impacts on Police Department.
  6. Implement Updated Kaneland Impact Fees and Consider Additional Transition Fees.
  7. Continue to Work with Cooperating Government Units to Capture Real Costs of Growth.
  8. Plan and Complete Yearly MFT Funded Street Maintainence and Sidewalk Repair Project.
  9. Complete Phase I and Select and Bid Phase II of Sidewalk Replacement Plan.
  10. Pursue Boundary Agreements with Willing Neighbors to Preserve Our Future Options.
  11. Continue to Address Additional Space Needs of Village Government.
  12. Evaluate Feasibility Study to Consider Possible Elburn Community Aquatic Park.
  13. Promote Continued Commercial Development at the Corner of Route 47 and Route 38.
  14. Continue to Use Developer Park Funds to Establish Infill Parks and Improved Ball Fields.
  15. Encourage and Implement Initial Downtown Fascade Improvement Grants.
  16. Continue to Negotiate Multiple Issues with the Elburn and Countryside Fire District.
  17. Plan for Additional Village Staff Needed to Maintain Quality Level of Village Services.
  18. Use Developer Contributions to Plan for Orderly Expansion of Waste Water Facilities.
  19. Continue to Encourage Creative Concept Plans for TOD around Metra Station.
  20. Continue to Evaluate and Critique Kirk Homes Concept Plan for Northwest Side.

I must confess that I lived in Elburn for 15 years before I paid much attention to the typical functions of our village government. However, since becoming involved, first as a trustee, and then as mayor, I am constantly amazed at shear volume of calls, events, issues, permits, projects and questions that are handled at village hall on a daily basis.
The reality of all this effort is that the many fine people working for our village act as kind of "cement" that binds us all together as a community. We are free to choose to have fun and enjoy our daily lives in Elburn because of the "behind the scenes" work that these dedicated people do. When you get a chance, thank a village employee for their tireless efforts on your behalf. Working together, we can make this Elburn's best year yet! And then, as Trustee Craig Swan predicts, "Elburn Will Thrive in 2005!"