Monday, September 04, 2006

Elburn Metra Station Taking Shape

It has been a long time coming, but the new Elburn Metra station is beginning to take shape. Last spring, Cathy picked the color scheme for our train station.
The folks from Metra dropped off a literal "ton" of brick, flashing, shingle, mortar and tile samples at our home. Although many of Cathy's first choices weren't available, she kept making choices until Metra finally said "Stop!"
It is comforting for me to look at our station, and know that Cathy picked the colors. Over the last 15 years, Cathy was an ardent supporter of the Metra extension to Elburn. She constantly reminded me of the added value Metra service would bring to our community.
She was right, and we are just now seeing the "tip of the iceberg" of the benefits of having Metra in Elburn. All aboard! Posted by Picasa